Postfix & Mailgraph

Postfix-Statistiken aus Daten, die vom Mailgraph-Daemon in RRD-Files gesammelt werden

Nagios Plugin


use Getopt::Long;
use File::stat;
use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins";
use utils qw (%ERRORS &print_revision);
use RRDs;

my $VERSION="0.1";
my $PROGNAME="check_rrdmail";
my $AUTHOR="Michael Mende ";

my ($opt_c, $opt_f, $opt_w, $opt_C, $opt_W, $opt_h, $opt_V);
my (%warn,%crit);

        "V"   => \$opt_V, "version"     => \$opt_V,
        "h"   => \$opt_h, "help"        => \$opt_h,
        "w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
        "c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
if ($opt_V) {
        print_revision $PROGNAME,$VERSION;
        exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

if ($opt_h) {
        exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

if ($opt_c) {

sub print_usage () {
        print "Usage: $PROGNAME -w  -c  [-t ]\n";

sub print_help () {
        print "\n";
        print "Copyright (c) 2010 $AUTHOR\n";
        print "\n";
        print "\n";
        print "   Checks the number of messages handled by your mail server\n";
        print "-w (--warning)   = Min. number of messages in queue to generate warning\n";
        print "-c (--critical)  = Min. number of messages in queue to generate critical alert ( w  now - 2*OFFSET (~16 minutes)
my $stat = stat($rrdfile);
unless ($stat) {
    print "UNKNOWN - ${rrdfile}: $!\n";
    exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
unless ($stat->mtime >= $ctime-2*$offset) {
    my $ftime = localtime($stat->mtime);
    print "UNKNOWN - $rrdfile too old \(mtime: $ftime\), check mailgraph daemon\n";
    exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};

# rrd fetch
my $rrdlast = RRDs::last($rrdfile);
unless ($rrdlast >= $ctime-2*$offset) {
    print "UNKNOWN - $rrdfile last entry too old \($rrdlast\), check mailgraph daemon\n";
    exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
my ($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch($rrdfile, "AVERAGE", "-e", @{[int($ctime/$resolution)*$resolution]}-$offset, "-s", "e-$resolution", "-r", $resolution);
unless ($start && $step && $names && $data) {
    print "UNKNOWN - rrd fetch failed, check ${rrdfile}\n";
    exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
my %res;

@warn{@$names} = split /:/, $opt_w;
@crit{@$names} = split /:/, $opt_c;

for my $line (reverse @$data) {
    @res{@$names} = map {sprintf "%.2f", $_*60} @$line;

foreach $key (keys %res) {
    if ($crit{$key} && $crit{$key} 

Nagiosgrapher Config

#NagiosGrapherTemplate for check_rrdmail

# @ Michael Mende 
# * change service_name whenever changing nagios service alias

# PIPE: master02    Postfix Mail Stats  OK - rejected: 0 recv: 21 bounced: 17 sent: 13 mails/min    rejected=0.00;;: recv=21.50;;: bounced=17.00;;: sent=13.00;;: mails/min

define ngraph{
         service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
         graph_perf_regex        rejected=(\d+.\d+)
         graph_value             rejected
         graph_units             mails/min
         graph_legend            rejected: 
                 rrd_plottype            LINE2
         rrd_color               EACC00
         print_format            %6.2lf

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            rejected
        print_description       Last:
        print_function          LAST
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            rejected
        print_description       Min:
        print_function          MIN
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            rejected
        print_description       Max:
        print_function          MAX
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            rejected
        print_description       Avg:
        print_function          AVERAGE
        print_format            %6.2lf
        print_eol               left


define ngraph{
         service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
         graph_perf_regex        bounced=(\d+.\d+)
         graph_value             bounced
         graph_units             mails/min
         graph_legend            bounced : 
         rrd_plottype            LINE2
         rrd_color               FF0000

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            bounced
        print_description       Last:
        print_function          LAST
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            bounced
        print_description       Min:
        print_function          MIN
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            bounced
        print_description       Max:
        print_function          MAX
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            bounced
        print_description       Avg:
        print_function          AVERAGE
        print_format            %6.2lf
        print_eol               left


define ngraph{
         service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
         graph_perf_regex        recv=(\d+.\d+)
         graph_value             recv
         graph_units             mails/min
         graph_legend            received:
         rrd_plottype            LINE2
         rrd_color               00FF00

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            recv
        print_description       Last:
        print_function          LAST
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            recv
        print_description       Min:
        print_function          MIN
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            recv
        print_description       Max:
        print_function          MAX
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            recv
        print_description       Avg:
        print_function          AVERAGE
        print_format            %6.2lf
        print_eol               left


define ngraph{
         service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
         graph_perf_regex        sent=(\d+.\d+)
         graph_value             sent
         graph_units             mails/min
         graph_legend            sent    :
         rrd_plottype            LINE2
         rrd_color               0000FF

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            sent
        print_description       Last:
        print_function          LAST
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            sent
        print_description       Min:
        print_function          MIN
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            sent
        print_description       Max:
        print_function          MAX
        print_format            %6.2lf
#        print_eol               left

define ngraph{
        service_name            Postfix Mail Stats
        type                    GPRINT
        print_source            sent
        print_description       Avg:
        print_function          AVERAGE
        print_format            %6.2lf
        print_eol               left
